Danios fish are an excellent choice for most aquariums due to their high energy level and mild temperament and are particularly recommended for first-time aquarium owners. These hardy fish will offer hours of enjoyment and are easy to care for as well.
There are several varieties of the Danios fish, one of the most commonly known being the Zebra Danio which is easily recognized by its distinct horizontal stripes. This particular Danio will grow to be about 1.5 inches in length and is also suitable for community tanks because of its peaceful nature. The Gold, Pearl and Leopard types of Danios will also grow to a maximum size of 1.5 inches, but Giant Danios however, can grow to about five inches or so in length.
Danios will be most comfortable with at least a school of four to six of their own species. These fish have a variety of suitable tank mates to choose from such as Rainbows, Barbs and most types of Gouramis, provided they are smaller than the Danios are. Danios will also do well with a school of Clown or Yoyo Loaches and some varieties of Catfish such as the Corydoras or the Plecostomus Catfish.
Even-tempered Danios are often used in aquariums to distract other, more aggressive fish from fighting with one another. Betta fish, for example, are notorious fighters, flaring their gills and charging at each other aggressively. Until a busy school of Danios swims by and distracts the Betta, ultimately keeping the peace in the tank.
Danios fish have a lifespan of about five years under proper conditions and are quite simple to care for, making them ideal for beginners and children. Technically considered cold-water fish, Danios will adapt to most water conditions but they do prefer cooler temperatures usually between 64 to 74 degrees Fahrenheit or so.
Danios should also be provided with plenty of light and lots of room to swim about freely. These active fish should do well in a ten-gallon aquarium that is kept at a PH level between 6.5 and 7.0, about a ¼ inch of gravel and with an exterior power filter. Of course, if you have several other types of fish in your aquarium you'll want to choose a larger size and also a more powerful filter.
Floating flake-food and freeze-dried blood worms, or mosquito larvae, are the preferred diet of choice for Danios. Both of these can be found in fish or pet stores as well as live black worms and live or frozen brine shrimp, which are two of their other favorite treats.
As with any type of fish or aquarium life, you should be aware of the signs of stress or disease and know how to treat the illnesses as well. Fish should never be overfed and their tank water should be changed as needed, also making sure the filter system is working properly at all times. With just a little regular care, you'll be able to enjoy watching your Danios swim and interact with each other for years to come.
Labels: aquarium, danios, fish, fish tank, tropical fish
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