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Saturday, March 10, 2007
The Secret to a Successful Swing in Golf: Golf Instruction

The importance of timing in the sport of golf is often one of the most overlooked essentials to being a success.

If you are a frequent watcher of golf on television or you follow the major players, you may have noticed that timing is important, but it is not thoroughly explained.

Allow me to give my best explanation of how timing works as an art in this sport. This should help you to see how valuable it really is

As you are watching some of the more successful players hit a golf ball or when you hit a good shot, this is what timing means. It is your ability to swing your arms down as your left hip moves out of the way, and allows for a clear shot for you.

As with anything, this is not a foolproof strategy. First of all, some people swing their arms down, and keep the rest of the body still. If you do that, you would be one that would come down with the club face closing quickly at the bottom of the hit.

If your timing is off because you did not move out of the way, your arms will cross over really quickly.

In a nutshell, if your timing is off and your body is moving too quickly, you'll go to the right. If your timing is off and your body is moving a little too slowly, you might hook it.

The goal is to get the right combination of the upper body and the bottom part of the body moving out of the way, as the arms swing down.

It's just the timing of getting the arms, hands, and lower part of the body to match up with the bottom part of the golf swing.

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