In the northern half of the United States, fishing for walleye is a very popular activity. This is true, I believe, because the walleye can be a very challenging fish to catch, and is also delicious. Walleye is one of the most popular fresh water species for eating. A shore lunch featuring walleye is a very difficult meal to beat, no matter what type of food it may be compared to. When many people think of the term 'walleye' they immediately think of Canada, but the truth is that walleye are found all throughout the northern half of the United States as well.
So where do walleye get their name? Simple. The name 'walleye' comes from the fact that their eyes reflect light, much the way a cats eyes do. This is the result of a light gathering layer within the eye that allows the walleye to see well in low light conditions. Obviously, because Mother Nature gave the walleye this equipment, they are more apt to feed at night. As a matter of fact many anglers attempt to catch walleyes at night, although the cover of darkness is by no means a must for catching walleye. Being able to see well in low light conditions means that on many instances, walleye can be found in deep water, where there is less light.
Seeing as how they are literally designed to see well in low light conditions, these are the best condition to catch these fish. Fishing is generally better on overcast days and when the water is choppy. When the water is very choppy the walleye can see quite well, due the design of their eyes. Here's an interesting little trivia fact for you. Did you know that the walleye is the state fish of Minnesota? If you're lucky that might get you a pie piece in trivial pursuit some day…
Walleye are fished for in a variety of ways. Casting or trolling with spinners or minnow-imitating plugs is always a good bet. Special harness rigs of spinners and beads, with a worm attached are often trolled. Jigs, either traditional bucktails, are a favorite tactic of many anglers, and some even tiop their jig with a live minnow. Another wonderful technique is to find a tributary stream that feeds a lake or river that contains walleye. In the spring and fall, walleye will enter these streams to feed and spawn. Using a gang hook rig baited with a live worm is a great technique for walleye at these times of year. The angler simply bounces the live worm rigged on a set of gang hooks along the bottom as it floats down the stream. The techniques can be deadly.
However a person chooses to fish for walleye the point is that the walleye is an incredbly popular fish to try to catch. Whether it be sport or the dinner table seems to make little difference to the seasoned walleye angler. They simply love the challnge of catching them. The people of Minnestota would obviously agree, seeing as how they made the walleye the staate fish.
California is the most populous state in the United States of America, but there is still plenty of room to fish. California is broken up into six distinct regions, all with various fishing regulations. California boasts 1,100 miles of ocean coastline, 220,000 square miles of ocean waters, 4,172 lakes and reservoirs, 29,664 miles of streams and rivers, and 1,800 miles of bay and delta waters, California has more fishing opportunities than any other state in the country. With that amount of water available to fish in, California is an anglers dream.
If you're interested in deep sea fishing, ocean wade fishing, river and stream fishing, or lake fishing for Largemouth Bass, California can accommodate you. California has almost every species of game fish available to the avid angler. From crappie to sturgeon and every freshwater fish in between, California has them. And saltwater fish from mackerel to great white sharks can all be found off of the California coast as well.
As far as freshwater fishing goes, one of the best methods for fishing live bait is a set of gang hooks. A set of gang hooks is simply two small hooks tied in tandem. Small hooks work well, because they are then concealed with in bait quite nicely. In fact, gang hooks are the best way to present a live worm, as well as many other live types of live bait. The biggest strong point is that gang hooks enable the angler to present the bait naturally, rather than trying to thread the worm onto a larger single hook. If you're bait fishing in California, you may want to give gang hooks a shot,
Remember, a California fishing license is required to fish in the state of California. A fishing license will run you from $37.50 for a resident to $100 for a non resident. If you're traveling, a two day license is available for less than $20. And if you happen to be going after Steelhead on inland waters in California, you need a Steelhead report card, which is under $10. As you can see, fishing in California isn't at all an expensive proposition (especially for residents). If you plan on staying in California for the rest of your life, there is even lifetime fishing licenses available, which is really good idea.
The bottom line is if your like to fish, California is an anglers paradise. Any type of fishing that you can imagine is available within the state of California. And with its thousands of miles of coastline, there are good runs of both salmon and steelhead as well. Many states within the United States don't offer fishing for these wonderful fish simply because of their proximity to large bodies of water. Yep, as far as the sport of fishing goes, California is a hard state to beat.
Labels: angler, california, fish, fishing
One of the best ways to take some time out and go fishing is through the use of a personal pontoon boat. Whether you like fishing on rivers, lakes, or ponds, a personal pontoon boat is a great way to fish a body of water. What is a personal pontoon boat? A personal pontoon boat is basically a seat (or 2) mounted on a platform, between two inflatable pontoons. This makes is amazingly comfortable and very maneuverable. A personal pontoon boat can be taken down the current of your favorite river, or the on the water in your favorite lake.
Because of their maneuverability, personal pontoon boats can get into area's that "traditional" boats can't. Heavily weeded areas? No problem. Crossing very rocky or shallow areas of a lake or pond? No problem. With the help of a personal pontoon boat, the areas that you can fish are almost endless. No area will be out of your reach, and because the pontoons are inflatable, that makes them very lightweight. Therefore carrying them, if you have to, is no problem.
If you like to fish rivers, a personal pontoon boat can be extremely valuable. The amount of water that can be covered is incredible, when compared to walking and wading. You simply use your personal pontoon boat to float down your favorite river, while wearing your waders as you normally would. Then whenever you come to a stretch that looks good, simply pull over, dismount, and begin fishing. The amount of good fishing water that can be found is incredible.
Before my personal pontoon boat, I used to be reserved to 2 or 3 mile stretches of my favorite river because of deep water and impassable overgrown brush. But now, with my personal pontoon boat, I don't have to worry about such things. And I get to fish stretches of river that very few anglers fish, which means that the fish are much less "spooky". Using a personal pontoon boat for is definitely worth considering if, especially if you like catching more fish. The freedom of not being confined to the bank is a great feeling, there's no doubt about that.
1) Do Not neglect putting.
Think about it. Once you hit the green, if you can regularly sink the golfball in two strokes or less, you gain a huge advantage. You need to practice your stroke for both long and short putts. Here again, practicing long putts is fun. However, begin dropping in putts from ten feet and in and you will be amazed how many strokes you knock off your score.
2) Practice the short game.
Most golfers love to head to the driving range and see how far they can hit a golfball. You can cut more strokes from your golf score if you learn to hit the short irons. Start close to the green and begin pitching the ball. When you are consistently dropping the ball close to the hole, back up ten to fifteen yards and begin practicing from that distance.
Master your short irons and you will quickly slash some strokes.
3) Hit it, then forget it.
My point here is, if you hit a bad shot you want to analyze what you did wrong. Was the clubface not square to the ball? Did you rush the shot? Was your swing tight and not loose? However, after you do so, forget it. You can't let the shot bother you. Do not try to overhit the next shot to make up for shanking this one. Just forget it. Let it go. It's done now and beating yourself up over it won't help and, in fact, can have the opposite effect.
4) Ditch the cart.
Unless your golf course requires you to use a golf cart, or you have physical limitations, don't use it. Golf was meant to be played while walking. While walking to your next shot, as you approach you begin thinking about how you want to play the next shot. You are thinking of club selection and whether to play it safe or take a gamble. When you are in a cart, golf becomes more of a rush thing. Get in the cart, drive to the ball and hit it. It just seems to take the fun out of it. Not to mention the exercise you receive when you walk the course.
5) When in doubt, play it safe.
If you are a weekend golfer, there is only so much time you get to play the game. When you come into a situation, such as a lie behind a tree, and you're contemplating whether to take a chance and try to slam the ball through the branches or simply hit a safe shot and get the ball back onto the fairway, you should probably elect to take the safe shot. Forget what Tiger did last Sunday. All you are losing is a single shot. If you go for it and hit the tree and the ball bounces back, you have lost an additional stroke.
Having said that, if you are just out to have fun and could care less what your final total is, go for it. :-)
Golf can be fun. It should be fun. The reality is most of us have that competitiveness, and that is a good thing. So anything we can do to lower our scores, even by a couple strokes, is going to fuel the juices and want to do even better next time.
Labels: golf, golf tips, golfing, lowering your golf score, play better golf
I am a big fan of Tim Gallwey's "The Inner Game Of Golf". The following golf tip technique is one I stole from his book. I've tried it, it worked, and I wanted to pass it along.
Part of what makes golf so complex is undoubtedly the mental part of the game. There is constant battle for that time on the course to get your mind focused, alert, and relaxed. To me, it always seems when I win that battle - if you really can "win" it - then I play better golf. But, as anyone knows that has ever picked up a club, that is easier said than done.
A large part, for me, of enjoying myself on the course (and thus playing better) is letting go when something 'bad' has happened. If you allow yourself to ruminate over a poor shot, that has a domino effect that can destroy your round. Tension takes hold of your game, and there isn't a thing that seems to go right afterwards. Been there?
Here is a very simple golf tip technique by Gallwey that I used for some great results. It doesn't take a lot of time or effort, but stabilizes your focus while playing golf.
The golf tip technique is to simply associate or remember a simple task while having a 'difficult' task in front of you.
For instance, when you have a 15 foot putt staring you in the face, instead of thinking, "Oh God, I never make these damn things", associate the shot with a simple task in your mind.
That simple task should be something you can do without a chance of failure. An example would be pulling the putter from the golf bag. By vibrantly associating the supposed 'difficult' putt with the simple task of pulling the putter from the bag, you've taken away the association of the dreaded act of 'failure' that is currently in place.
Just make certain that the task you associate with the 'difficult' one is something you cannot possibly fail. Gallwey's suggested the simple act of picking the golf ball up from the hole, but you can make it anything easy and simple that you wish.
This golf tip technique takes away the tension that seems to mount when things begin to go bad on the golf course. It actually give you a fresh start with each 'difficult' circumstance that confronts while playing a round of golf.
And, I don't know about you, but I'm all about those fresh starts. I can use a lot of them.
Labels: golf tip, golf tip technique
Owning tropical fish can provide you with immense enjoyment and can become a wonderful hobby that not only you but other will benefit from also.
Although most tropical fish can be relatively easy to care for it is important to educate yourself before buying tropical fish because without proper understanding of their needs your new hobby could become extremely expensive.
You will need to know and research how to set up an aquarium, understand the size you will need for the amount of fish you are hoping to keep. Also be aware of the sizes your fish will grow to as most tropical fish are not purchased at adult size.
By reading books and looking on the internet you will be able to find out what temperature the water in your aquarium needs to be and will know how to test the ph levels, water hardness and for any toxins.
Be aware of diseases, one of the most common tropical fish diseases is white spot, this is caused by a parasite called 'ick' or 'ich' you will know if this has affected you tropical fish as you will notice white spots on the fishes scales. White spot is a very irritating disease for tropical fish, if you notice your fish rubbing themselves against objects or plants this could be a sign of infection.
It is important to treat white spot immediately. It can kill tropical fish within a few days and will be spread to others in the tank. If one of your fish has been affected you will need to treat the entire tank.
It is important to clean your fish tank and all the stones and plants that are in it, you will need to change the water checking the ph levels as you do so.
To prevent white spot from affecting your fish you should always quarantine new fish for approximately 2 days. Maintain a high water quality and always provide your fish with a balanced diet.
You should never over feed your tropical fish, this can pollute the water and also harm you fish. Provide enough food for them to survive and grow healthily. You may find that different fish will eat different food so it is worth researching this aspect. Some fish are scavengers and are happy to feed off scraps and debris from the tank others will need a specific type of food.
If you are beginner it may be tempting to rush out and buy the best tank you can see and add all the colourful fish you can find however, without being armed with the right information and the correct knowledge about owning tropical fish your efforts could result in disaster.
Your local pet shop owner or aquarium shops will be happy to talk to you about any information or concerns you have about setting up and keeping an aquarium. By knowing all the facts you will be able to purchase an aquarium and tropical fish that will be an enjoyment and pleasure to keep.
Labels: aquarium, fish, fish keeping, fish tank, fishes, saltwater fish, tropical fish, tropical fish tank
The Medicus driver is a product that is made by Medicus golf that is a golf swing training aid that according to the manufacturer will help your golf swing in several ways. If you are having trouble with your golf swing this may be a product that you can look into to help improve your golf swing.
The Medicus driver has a dual hinge on it that can help you diagnose some swing flaws that you currently have. Some of the swing flaws that the Medicus driver claims to help you with is to help fix your slice, your tempo, and it improves your swing plane just to name a few. In this article we will take a look at some of the causes of a faulty swing and how the Medicus driver can help fix them.
The slice is one of the biggest complaints that most golfers have about their golf swing. The slice can be caused by many different swing flaws but the most common one is casting the club at the top of the swing. The Medicus driver helps to eliminate casting because the clubs hinge will break if you cast in the top. The Medicus driver is designed with a duel hinge that lets you know immediately if you are casting club.
The Medicus driver has been shown to be helpful improve the your tempo because again with the duel hinge the club will break if you take it back to fast or try to swing too hard. Tempo is one of the most important parts of the golf swing for consistency so if you are having problems with your tempo a Medicus driver might be able to help you with this.
Another important part of the golf swing is putting your golf club on the correct swing plane. The swing plane will have a lot to do with your success in hitting a consistent golf shot. The Medicus driver claims to put you on the correct swing plane or again if you are not on the correct swing plane one of the hinges will break letting you know there is something wrong.
Some of the complaints about the Medicus driver by people who have used the Medicus driver is that it is really tough to hit a shot without tightening the hinges. Although, this may not bother some people other people actually want to be able to hit a golf ball while swinging the Medicus driver.
The Medicus driver has been helpful in helping a lot of people improve their golf swing but it may be something that you are not comfortable using and may not really get a benefit from because if you have several swing flaws than it will be difficult to use. If you are struggling with your golf swing you may want to check out the Medicus driver because you will be able to get instant feedback about why you are not hitting the ball consistently.
Labels: golf, golf help, Golf swing, golf swing tips, medicus
Owning an aquarium is one of the most wonderful things that you can do. When you watch the glint of beautifully coloured fish swimming around, it is both relaxing and re-assuring that you have chosen the right hobby. And this is especially true, when you are dealing with tropical fish, which can be some of the most beautiful, you will ever see. Of course, owning an aquarium isn't just about looking at beauty. As both you and I know. There's also a lot of work involved in it. And one of the most expensive aspects of the hobby is buying an aquarium tank. Unfortunately, discount aquarium tanks do not grow on trees! So if you are going to find a good bargain on one then you will need to shop around extensively. In this article I'm going to discuss various aspects of owning aquarium fish, and some thoughts about researching fish tanks.
The first thing that you need to decide is how big you want to go with your aquarium. Or, more accurately, where you want to stop! Because literally you can go from a goldfish bowl right up to a massive 400 gallon plus salt water tank. And which one you go for will be dependent on several factors. Firstly, how big is your budget? If you only have 20 bucks to spend, then your choice has already been made! Get the goldfish bowl, start out small and grow from there. But more likely, if you're reading this article, then you have already been involved in owning fish for probably quite some time, and so are considering the next step up. You may already own a small aquarium, are looking to upgrade to a larger one, or perhaps you are looking to change styles of fish, or try out more exotic fish, that require a different care environment or a larger tank.
A key ingredient to consider is that the larger the tank, the more work you will have to do. You will have to measure the water pH, sort out water filters, check that the fish that you wish to put in the tank are compatible with one another, and check to make sure that none of the fish have any existing diseases or problems. There are also dietary concerns, both in terms of what you feed the fish, and also that the fish do not feed on each other!
The main place to start if you are looking to buy a discount aquarium is the pet shop. You will often find that many pet shop owners also have a great deal of interest in fish breeding. This is because fish tend to take up very little space in a shop, but can also be sold for large amounts of money, so many small pet shops, are able to stock large amounts of fish, and the owners will often be very knowledgeable. Make sure that you pick their brains about the best places to buy tanks, and what you should be looking for. It is in their interest to help you, because you will need to put fish in those tanks!
Other places to look are in the public library, where you will be able to research for the differences between the different fish breeds, and the type of tank and aquarium setup that you require. You will also find that many of the books in the library will have illustrated guides as to these, as well as guidelines as to any extra equipment you may need such as oxygenation filters, decoration etc.
For more information about aquariums, fish tanks and fish keeping visit any of the links below. And, most importantly, enjoy your fish.
Labels: aquarium, aquarium fish, aquariums, exotic fish, fish, fish care, fish tanks, goldfish
Purchasing a fish aquarium may seem like an easy task however tropical and saltwater fish need special care and attention to live a happy life. The first thing you will need to decide is whether you plan on keeping fresh water fish or saltwater fish. Generally speaking freshwater fish are a lot easier to keep so if this is your first fish aquarium I would advise a fresh water fish aquarium would be a good place to start.
You will need to make sure you do not add too much food to your fish aquarium, research the type of fish you are keeping before throwing in too much or too little food, adding too much food could be harmful to your tropical fish as they can over eat, also adding to much food could potentially pollute the tank.
Having a balanced diet is essential for aquarium fish, I would recommend that you buy any fish food in small bags or containers rather than bulk buying, this is because over time the vitamin content will gradually decline so to keep your fish food in optimum condition and as fresh as possible buy smaller bags and keep them in a cool dry place.
Anything that is introduced into your fish aquarium should be properly taken care of and monitored, it is important to keep the water in the tank clean by checking for parasites, fungi and bacteria. Although maintaining a fish aquarium is an ongoing task certain fish can lighten the load, it is well worth investing in fish that scavenge as they will clean the tank for you however it is vital to research the type of fish you buy to ascertain if they can live peacefully with the other fish residing within your tank.
It may be a good idea to create yourself a daily monthly and weekly 'to do' list so you can be sure that you have made all the necessary checks on the temperature control, lighting and feeding. Toxic and harmful products can be caused by the breakdown of protein, investing in a protein skimmer can be extremely effective.
A protein skimmer will remove impurities and residue from the aquarium and will purify the water.
Never keep your tank in direct sunlight, this will increase the growth of green algae making your tank unattractive and hard to see into. Having a fish tank in direct sunlight will also cause the water temperature to rise making it harder to control
The bigger the fish aquarium the easier it ill be to maintain a stable water temperature, having a larger tank will also give your fish more room to move, it is also very important to give them lots of places to hide, believe it or not the more places they have to hide the less they will hide.
If you can keep on top of the maintenance then you are sure to have a clean and happy tank.
Labels: aquarium, aquarium filters, fish, fish aquarium, fish food, fish tank, salt water tank, tropical fish
Here are few tropical fish keeping tips
Tip 1 - Tropical fish is easy to care and most of the people buy in pair.
But educate yourself about tropical fish before you buy any tropical fish as buying tropical fish without proper knowledge can become very expensive hobby.
So you should do proper research to keep tropical fish as your hobby.
Tip 2 - Make sure you learn about fish keeping before you start buying tropical fish.
Tip 3 - You have to make sure you become familiar with setting up aquarium.
Tip 4 - Make sure you change 20 percent of water every 30 days. You should check water, temperature, pH, hardness, etc every day.
Tip 5 - You should not keep tropical fish frozen food for more than 3 months.
Tip 6 - One of the very important tips for tropical fish is to give fish a proper diet of about 35% of protein, 10% of fat. Fish diet should also have amino acids.
Tip 7 - Another important tip is to feed fish 2 to 3 times a day. And don't over feed them.
Tip 8 - You should get largest aquarium possible. When you have bigger aquarium tropical fish will have more flexibility to more around. Select plants, rocks, gravel, wood etc properly to give your set-up better look.
Tip 9 - Don't adjust water temperature abruptly.
Tip 10 - You fish should not in direct sunlight as that will increase the water temperature and will create green algae problem.
Above are just basic tips about tropical fish hobby. learn more tips about fish before starting your hobby or even if you started learn more tips about fishes.
Labels: Tropical Fish Tips
One of the very distressing times in tropical fish keeping hobby is disease.
Here are few tropical fish diseases.
1) Appetite Loss of tropical fish
When you put new fish in the tank they stop eating because of the environment problem or new fish can be slow to feed because of stress.
For Environmental problem look for any manifestations of disease and buy a simple waster tester.
For stress keep patient with tropical fish they will get back to normal appetite soon or look for other signs of disease.
2) Small and white spots on the Body, head and fins of tropical fish.
It could be whitespot (Ichthyophthirius).
This is very common disease in new aquarium. There are few different cures for this. 1 teaspoon salt per gallon could be one of the cures.
3) Whitish Film over the eye of the tropical fish.
This could be because of poor water quality, chlorine poisoning or eye fluke.
For poor water quality you have to change the water. For chlorine poisoning you should condition tap water before using it. For eye fluke please use proper medication.
4) Effect of Cotton Wool on the tropical fish body
It could be fungus or mouth fungus (columnarius).
To cure this disease you can use anti fungus medication and a salt bath (1 teaspoon per gallon)
5) Pop Eye - cloudy eyes from infection or eye protrude from head.
Pop eye could be because of bacteria, poor water quality vitamin deficiency etc.
Treatment: this is hard to treat disease; broad spectrum antibiotic can be used to cure this.
Labels: tropical fish, Tropical Fish Disease
Fly fishing the large and small "drive-in" high lakes of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest is an art in itself and good fly-fishing information about a lake is of prime importance to the success of the high lake fly fisher. You need to have a good understanding of the lake bottom, the insect life and the feeding habits and characteristics of the resident trout.
Use a depth finder in waters of 12 to 15 feet to look for old river or creek channels, drop offs, and uneven bottom contours that tend to hold fish. It is easy to keep track of those special locations in a logbook with the help of a GPS system or simple triangulations using shoreline landmarks as reference points. Also, look for shallow waters (4 to 8 feet) with patches of weed beads and silt covered muddy bottoms. You can easily fly fish these types of waters in depths of no more than 10 feet, using a slow sinking clear fly line and a count down method. The areas with these types of bottoms can support a wide variety of insect life including: May flies, caddis flies, damselflies, dragonflies, scuds, chironomid (midges), and leeches. Where you have insect life, you should find fish.
When I am fly fishing the high lakes, I carry three rods in my boat strung up ready to fish. One rod is a 9 footer with a WF #5 dry line for fishing emergers and dry flies. The 2nd rod is also a 9 footer but with a WF #6 dry fly line rigged with a 10-foot leader, a small adjustable indicator, a small nymph or chironomid. The 3rd rod, also a 9 footer which is matched with a WF #7 slow sinking clear fly line with an 8 foot leader for fishing a wooly bugger, leech pattern or a dragon fly nymph.
If you are fishing a clear mountain lake from a small anchored boat, keep the sun at your back and stay in the blind spot of the fish and maintain a low profile so you won't need to make a long fly cast. Don't cast your fly in the same place more than once. In this case consider casting in a 90-degree arc from you position. Start casting 45 degrees out to the left, After working your fly back to your pick-up point, make the next cast 5 degrees to the right of the first cast etc, until you are casting straight ahead. The next cast is 45 degrees out to the right. Continue decreasing the arc by 5 degrees until you are casting straight ahead. I call this cutting the pie and in this situation you are casting 5 degrees toward center on each cast so the shadow of the fly line does not alarm the fish before they see your fly. Always cut the pie to cover as much water as you can while at the same time, casting so that the shadow of the fly line does not alarm any fish that are in the area. For more information refer to my article on Ezine "A nymph fishing tutorial". After changing your fly pattern, repeat "cutting the pie". After you have thoroughly covered the water with a new fly, quietly pull your anchor and move to another area and change flies again until you find the right fly pattern and or the right lake bottom and feeding fish.
Many high lakes are also exposed to seasonal hatches of black carpenter ants and termites that are blown onto the lake from lakeside fir trees. Black ants usually come out in the middle of June or when the air temperature around the lake first gets into the mid 70 degree- range for a few days. If you see one black ant on the water start fishing a black ant because when the fish start hitting the ants, the fly fishing can be fast and furious.
Fly fishing a small high lake of 1/2 mile across is not much of a problem for a small boat or even a float tube. However, larger lakes need to be fished with care because of possible afternoon prevailing winds can create rough and choppy water conditions that can pose a danger to a small boat. Float tubers always need to wear a life vest and small boaters should always wear them when underway or during rough water conditions.
I hope these fly-fishing tips will help you to better enjoy the outdoor experience. Remember to check the state fishing regulations for the waters that you are going to fish.
Be careful, and good luck fishing the High Lakes of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest.
Labels: buggers, chironomid, dragon, dry, fishing, flies, fly, leaders, leeches, line, nymphs, oregon, sinking, wooly
There are many options when it comes to golf in Spain. In the warmer areas there are plenty of places to golf especially for the holidays near the coast. There have been many resorts and courses that have been established in the areas near the coast.
Make Your Plans For Your Trip
Costa del Sol is a wonderful place for golfing not only in Spain but in most of Europe as well. There are many new courses that have been developed as well as different places to stay while you are on your golf vacation in the area.
The wide varieties of courses that are located throughout the area are countless as more and more are being developed. In many cases these courses offer more than just this one sport on their sight. They will have a full service spa possibly they will even have a place to stay right on the property. In some cases they will be a full service vacation destination providing a place to eat as well as many different options of activities such as tennis or swimming or other sports.
In many of these places they also offer all of the services that a full service spa will offer. This includes massages, saunas, heated swimming, relaxation areas as well as special treatments for the women. Things such as mud baths and anything else that you can possibly imagine will in all likelihood be available to you when you book one of these trips.
Look into all of the different types of places to pick for your golf vacation when you go online and do your research. You will be able to see prices as well as all of the amenities that are offered to you when you do your research. Look into what is there and see what they have that fits your plans and your idea of the perfect golf vacation when you look.
Proper Golf In Spain
Make sure that you follow golf etiquette. Be aware that at times the courses will become very crowded and you will need to pay close attention and be on your game. All golfers get very frustrated if they are forced to wait because you are not going at a good pace or if you are messing around. So pay attention and look at what is going on and pay attention to what the people around you are doing.
Labels: Golf in Spain, spain, sports
After a brutal third round of golf at the 2007 Masters golf tournament,
the powers that be at Augusta had some mercy on the competitors and
softened the course for the fourth and final round.
Make no mistake it was the Masters golf course, Augusta National, that
won this most recent golf tournament. Not since the 1950's and 1960's
had viewers seen such a high winning score.
Little known Zack Johnson eventually won the 2007 Masters with a
score of 1 over par, but the grand old Masters golf course left little doubt
about the real winner.
Ever since Tiger Woods tore the golf course apart by shooting 18 under
par in 1997, the Masters golf course has been criticized as a relic of the
The golf course at Augusta hosted the first Masters in 1934. Bobby Jones
called the tournament the "Augusta National Invitational Tournament"
until 1939.
After Tiger Wood's dismantling of August National in 1997, the
membership has wrought many changes. These changes have been
popularly referred to as "Tigerproofing".
The most notable changes involved lengthening the course, adding a
rough, additional trees, and deepening bunkers.
Several critics, including Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer, have voiced
concern. Many are concerned that the changes have robbed the
Masters golf course of it's unique character and charm.
Before the changes, they argue, Augusta National had a unique mix of
holes that required the player to be cautious on one hole and aggressive
on another. Now the players must constantly play defensively, they
It is hard to disagree with these critics after witnessing this most recent
Masters tournament. The fabled "Augusta roars" were largely missing
from Sunday's back nine.
We think the secretive decision makers at Bobby Jone's course panicked
after Tiger's 1997 romp. They feared that new technology in golf balls
and golf clubs was threatening to render their course obsolete.
But Zack Johnson's 1 over par winning score shows the flaw in their
thinking. Augusta National can still be plenty tough as it showed this past week.
Some of the measures taken were appropriate. Others, such as adding rough and deepening bunkers have robbed the course of it's uniqueness. We hope the next changes restore some of Augusta National's character.
Please, give us back the Masters. The Augusta National golf course won but golf didn't.
Labels: arnold palmer, augusta national, jack nicklaus, masters, masters golf course, tiger woods
I have written few general tropical fish care tips and secrets for beginners to help them in their tropical fish keeping hobby.
Below are 6 top tips for tropical fish care:
1) Tropical Fish Tank Tips
You should try to get the biggest tank you can afford. As a result water temperature will be stable in bigger tank and it will be easier to care for your fishes. It will also give your fishes more water thus keeping them healthier. Besides even if a fish dies it will not affect the others.
2) Tropical Fish Should Have Plenty Of Places To Hide.
Ironically you give them more room to hide and they will hide less. Resulting in lower levels of stress for your tropical fish.
3) Fish Should Be Away From Sunlight.
Your fish should not be close to direct sunlight. Direct sunlight will create major problems in the form of green algae. Direct sunlight will also increase your tanks water temperature. Thus avoid sunlight to help you care better for your Tropical fish.
4) Fish Feeding Care
A good diet is an essential part of Tropical Fish Care. Do not give your tropical fish only flakes. You will see better colors and increased vitality by giving them a variety in their diet. Flakes could be primary diet but try to supplement their diet with other types of food every few days.
To ensure better fish care do not over feed your fish. Instead of giving one big feed you can give two small feedings. When you give your fish food they should be able to finish within a minute or two else you will see flakes settling on the bottom of the tank and that means you have given too much food. Extra feeding will give poor aquarium water quality and will increase stress levels of your fish.
5) Stocking of Tropical Fish
Don't add too many fish to your tank. It's better to add fishes in your tank slowly to help your tank's biological filtration system to work properly.
6) Fish Tank Maintenance Tips and Care
You should be changing water of your tank regularly. Frequent water change is better for Tropical fish care and it will not cause stress and shouldn't interfere with the biological cycle of the tank.
To find out other crucial things you need to do to care for your tropical fish, you should visit this site:
Labels: tropical fish, Tropical Fish Care
As the number of anglers increase, the number of catch and release bodies of water will also increase.
1. Play the fish quickly as you possibly can. If the fish is worn out, it's more stressed and has less of a chance of survival. Remember, the more fighting the fish does it is burning up more energy.
2. Using a good landing net allows you to land the fish a little faster. However try to use a cotton or rubber basket net. Nylon basket nets are more abrasive and are more likely to damage the fish.
3. Wet your hands before you handle the fish, you do not want to remove the protective slime that covers the fish.
4. If you can release the hooks while the fish is still in the water all the better. The less you handle it the better.
5. If you do not have a net, grab the fish firmly, but not too hard. For a trout turn it over on its back. This will settle it down some. For a bass try to grab them by the lower lip and you will be able to handle it easier.
6. If possible try to use barbless hooks or pinch down the barbs with pliers. It makes catch and release faster and easier.
7. Try not to horse the hook out, use hemostats if you have them. A handy cheap tool every angler should have in your tackle box.
8. If the hook is in too deep to remove it without damaging the fish just cut the line or use side cutters to cut the hooks of the lure, you then can replace them, The natural fluids in the fish will dissolve the hook.
9. Never release a fish into a swift current in a river or stream, try to find a pool of calmer water to do the live release.
10. Gently release the fish headfirst into any current. Hold your hand under the fish. When he decides to go, he will just swim away.
11.If the fish does not swim away, hold your hand under the fish near the tail and continue to rock him back and forth (moving water through his gills) until he gets his breath, a sort of fish CPR.
Remember catch and release is the way to preserve our stock of fish. If you keep fish to eat try to keep the younger fish or for some species in lakes today keep the stocked fish and release the natural breeding stock. Remember that fish you release today may be the one that gives you the thrill of a lifetime a year or two down the road.
Labels: catch and release, fishing, fishing canada, fishing catch and release
Bass fishing might not look very difficult, but if you are an inexperienced bass fishermen, bass fishing can be very difficult. knowing what you are doing when you are out on the water bass fishing, can make the difference between going home with a boat load of fish and catching nothing. It doesn't matter what type of bass you are fishing for you need to take into consider the following bass fishing tips they will help you out on your next fishing trip. Even though cover and structure sound like they mean the same thing they don't. They actually mean two very different things. Cover is something that fish use to hide in while structure is something that can change the bottom of the lake.
Bass fishermen will commonly tell you that it is better to fish a combination of both cover and structure. Use your electronic equipment when your fishing structures that you can't be seen with the naked eye. Match these structures with some good cover like downed trees or foliage, and your going to find places with large groups of bass. Ever fisherman knows that with large group of fish you have a better chance of catching the biggest one.
Casting might look simple, but its a very important skill that needs to be mastered if your going to be a successful bass fisher. Take some time to practice your casting method in your backyard, improving your casting method will increase your chances of landing that big bass. When it comes to casting it is important to use your wrist when your casting and not your arm.
When ever possible try to cast your line beyond the target that you aiming for, this will allow you to quietly approach the bass. This is a very important of bass fishing because the fish typically prefer areas that are quiet. You also need to make sure that you are as far away from the location you are targeting as possible, but make sure that you are close enough that you can cast your lure accurately. The tip of your rod should be loaded so that it bends backwards when you caste. This will allow for a smooth release, and it helps for a quieter approach as well.
Labels: bass, bass fishermen, bass fishing, bass fishing tips
Gold fish are usually a child's first pet and if you're thinking of keeping a gold fish tank, there are a few basic things you need to know. By understanding how to keep your gold fish tank in tip top condition will ensure you have happy fish.
The first thing to decide is how many fish you wish to have. If you only want a couple of small fish then a small gold fish tank or even a gold fish bowl is all you will need but if you require lots of fish or larger fish then you will need a large gold fish tank to ensure the fish remain healthy. A tank which holds 30 gallons of water will house up to 6 average gold fish. Gold fish tanks come in various sizes and can be made from either acrylic or glass.
To make the gold fish tank a nice place for the fish to live plants, rocks and other items can be purchased to place at the bottom of your gold fish tank for the fish to enjoy. All accessories, including the rocks, should be washed in water before they are placed into the tank. You will need to test the water when you first put it in the tank and you'll have to purchase a test kit to make sure the oxygen, nitrate and other chemical balances are in line.
Most gold fish tanks come with the filters and because gold fish can survive in water temperatures from 78 degrees to very cold waters, a heater is not needed and regular room temperature will do just fine for the water in your gold fish tank.
What Fish are best for Your Gold Fish Tank
When choosing a gold fish for your gold fish tank you need to ensure the fish you buy are healthy. Check the fins are upright and not droopy as fins which are down are a sign of a stressed fish. Another thing to look for is fish with foggy eyes, discoloration or other similar abnormalities. Gold fish are not just gold, and come in many sizes, shapes and colors. Most gold fish will grow up to 5 to 8 inches in length. Gold Fish tanks are an ideal starter pet in teaching your children how to look after their pets properly. The fish in your new gold fish tank if looked after correctly will provide hours of fun and is also proven to be a relaxing hobby.
Many South Carolina golf courses fixate on how many rounds are played, shirts are sold or meals are served. On a recent visit to the area, I came across one that cares about making every round of golf, as well as your entire visit unforgettable.
First of all, while this course was set in a luxurious private golf community, I was made to feel especially welcomed. I was immediately greeted by a professional upon my arrival. Instantly, all of my golf needs, including making sure my favorite clubs got to the appropriate range, were taken care of. The personal service was exceptional to say the least.
All over the course, the emphasis was on personal service. Our group was cared for on every step of the 18-hole course. As a matter of fact, I felt like I was playing on my very own private golf course. This particular golf course has a limited and exclusive golf membership, so there are not a lot of people roaming around unaccompanied.
The bottom line is the only thing I had to think about was playing golf. And did I ever play! Let's just say my stroke is improving (Can you say King of Swing?).
Anyway, after playing some of the most amazing golf ever, we headed over to the 13,000 sq. ft. clubhouse overlooking Briar's Creek. Absolutely amazing, what a view! Again I had never been to South Carolina and I really had no idea of what to expect. I had heard that South Carolina was recently named as one of the "Best Places to Live." However, I was soon familiarized with the local term Lowcountry. Praised for its historic, artistic and cultural preservation, as well as white sand beaches and abundant sports, including boating, fishing, equestrian and as the south's Mecca for world-class dining and entertainment, I can proudly say I plan on living the high-life in the Lowcountry every chance I can get. I might even move there by the end of the year!
The reason for this sudden move? Johns Island Real Estate Again, until my visit, I was not at all familiar with South Carolina, yet alone John's Island. An island? In South Carolina? Where? They easily could have called this private golf community "Golf Island." Everywhere you turn, the game of golf surrounds you. The natural environment and golf coexist so harmoniously I was not surprised to learn Audubon International has recognized Briar's Creek for its outstanding efforts.
You can lose yourself living amid not only the exceptional golf, but the ancient oaks and the daily commerce of bird life. And yet, all the charms of Charleston including world-class dining and shopping are just minutes away, as are Kiawah's wonderful beaches. I could go on and on and on…..
I look forward to my next visit and highly recommend if you are in the area and looking to play the ultimate round of South Carolina golf head over to Briar's Creek. You won't be disappointed. Tell 'em Jim sent ya.
Labels: johns island real estate, private golf community, south carolina golf, south carolina golf courses
Have you ever considered how important the driver is as part of your golf equipment? There is a propensity for less inexperienced golfers to go out and by the biggest and meanest looking club in the golf shop but if it doesn't suit your style, mainly your swing speed then you will be heading off into the trees in search of your ball more often than not following a tee shot.
Golf equipment should contain a small selection of drivers and in this report, we'll look at some of the aspects required in the make up of this all important tee shot club.
Golf Equipment-Analyzing The Driver
It makes sense, if a club has a larger head, then there is more chance of connecting to the ball in an area on the club head known as a "sweet spot." Larger heads are a good idea for players with less ability as the margin for error during the ball connection is less. Better players are more able to get better control using a club with a smaller head.
It's determined the advantage a club with the larger head has it's ability to hold it's line when striking the ball at impact. Smaller head clubs can have a tendency to "skew" off at the moment of impact requiring greater aim and control. More power is also generated behind larger clubs resulting in extra distance being generated when hit right on center.
Club Weighting
Weighting of clubs is a vital component of today's clubs as players can adjust the height they hit the ball or control shots such as a draw or fade. Slicers eager to find a quick solution to their problem may go for a club with more of a draw bias and vice versa for a player who tends to hook a lot.
With a larger club head on a driver, the launch angle to penetrate greater distances is higher and golfers today are tending to steer towards this direction. A driver with a higher loft degree is highly recommended although if you are a beginner and receiving coaching then check with your mentor first who may be keener for you to build a little more control into your game before you start to worry about head design features on clubs.
Golf Equipment-Shaft Flexibility
There are three different types of swing speeds; slow, medium and fast. So what you're probably asking. Well, swing speed has much to do with the flexibility level of your driver shaft. Wondering why your tee shots are all over the place? Check the flexibility of your shaft. A good way to determine this is to have your speed checked and then choose a club with the give and bend appropriate to your golf swing! Slower swings require more flexibility while faster swings require less. That's the general rule of thumb.
Labels: driver, golf, golf equipment
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