Is there anything more enjoyable on this entire planet than fishing with light tackle? For me, fishing with light tackle is as much fun as can be had while clothed! I'm telling you if you've never experienced the thrill of catching an 18 inch Rainbow Trout on 4-pound test, while standing in the current of a flowing stream, you need to put it on you "things to do" list! Light tackle fishing makes the great sport of fishing that much more enjoyable. As a matter of fact, once you become proficient at light tackle fishing, fishing with what's considered "normal" fishing tackle won't feel right anymore.
In my world, light tackle fishing means using monofilament fishing line that's no larger than six pound test. I personally use four-pound test, but that's neither here not there. Is this 6-pound test thing some sort of rule? No not at all, it's just my preference. What is a rule is that rods and reels should be of the "ultra light" variety. Every fishing rod and reel has an action. For example, heavy, light, or ultra light. For light tackle fishing your rod and accompanying reel should be ultra light action. When purchasing them, just look at the manufacturers descriptions of the products. The description will tell you what the rod or reels action is.
When light tackle fishing, I prefer to use live bait (especially worms) as well. Of course small lures can be employed as well, it's just that I prefer live bait. A very effective technique, that when couple with light tackle becomes extremely effective, is the use of gang hooks. Gang hooks are simply two small hooks tied in tandem. They can be tied yourself or they can be purchased, it makes no difference. What's important is that they are employed when using light tackle and live worms.
The bottom line is that light tackle fishing is not only more enjoyable, it makes you a better angler as well. Using light tackle forces the angler to learn how to play their catch, rather than just "winching" it in. This aspect alone makes light tackle fishing well worth any time, effort, or money that it may cost you to get set up. As I said before, once you become a proficient light tackle angler, you'll find it difficult to fish any other way.
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