Bass Fishing
If you've done any bass fishing, then you'll already know that it's not as simple as just putting a line in the water and waiting for them to bite. One of the best things about bass fishing is that it requires skill and patience to be successful. So it's important to put as many factors in your favor as possible, so that you have the best chance of catching a bass. Let's take a look at a few tips for successful bass fishing.
As Conditions Change so Should Your Fishing Tactics
The weather matters! In the cooler weather, such as early spring and fall, bass are much more responsive to top water lures. They're also more likely to be found in shallow water, such as along the shoreline where there are overhanging trees. When it gets hotter, though, bass retreat to deeper, cooler holes, and you need a change of strategy. Basically you need to dredge the bottom, and use something like a plastic worm to get the bass to respond.
Time of day is also important, with dawn and dusk the best times to catch the biggest bass. Look for ambush spots where bass might be lurking in wait for baitfish. They like to pounce on their prey, and these bait fish are most active early morning or evening. This method works best when the water is warmer, above 50 degrees Fahrenheit, because a lot of baitfish aren't active in cooler temperatures.
Water Quality Matters!
The quality of the water you're fishing in makes a difference to your bass fishing tactics too. In muddy water, for example, bass use their sonar to locate food. So choose lures that vibrate well and perhaps make some noise. In clear water, though, bass are very cautious and wary of anything unusual. So you need light lines, and lures that closely resemble local food sources. Spinners can work, but you may find a black spinner blade will reduce the flash and be more successful.
In normal water quality, with some algae and plankton to filter out sunlight, most types of lures can be used. It's often a good idea to set up three outfits, using a different lure for each one, to see which one is working the best. For example, you could use a deep diver on one, a surface lure on the next, and a plastic worm on the third.
What's the Best Bait?
A large survey of bass fishing enthusiasts found that the plastic worm was considered the most effective lure by a big margin, so when in doubt, try a plastic worm and see what happens. It's also good to talk to local fishermen if you're not familiar with the area, and ask them what they recommend. Most bass fishing enthusiasts are happy to find another enthusiast to swap stories with.
Labels: angling, bass fishing, fishing
Just like any other pet, you are going to have to do a bit of work to make sure that your new betta will live in comfort. If you are bringing home a new betta fish there are a variety of setup tasks that you will need to do to make sure that your betta will have a healthy tank to call home. The following are some essential tips for setting up the tank for your new betta fish.
Tip #1 - Tanks Size - It is important that you have a tank or bowl that will be large enough for your new betta fish. You want to be sure that when your betta swims around he will not constantly be bumping into the sides and hurting his fins. Make sure that the tank gives enough swimming space and that it has a large enough surface so enough oxygen will be available for your fish.
Tip #2 - Have a Cover for the Tank - Another important setup tip for your tank is that you have a cover for your tank as well. If you do not have a cover, or you fail to put the cover on, your fish may jump out of the tank and either hurt himself or die.
Tip #3 - Treat the Water - It can actually be dangerous to use water straight from the tap for your betta fish; however, using bottled or purified water is not the answer either. The best thing to do is to treat the water from your tap with a product like Amquel or Stress Coat to help get rid of the chlorine in the water. After treating the water it probably should set for almost a week to make sure that all the chemicals have evaporated from the water. Chlorine can actually kill your betta, so be sure that you treat the water first.
Tip #4 - Choose the Right Substrate - It is important that you choose the right substrate for in your tank as well. More than likely you will want some plants in your tank so you want a substrate that is great for both the plants and your fish. While the colored substrate may look great, it is probably a bad idea since the paint can flake off causing problems. Choose a natural color of substrate, and one that will be conducive to both plants and your betta fish. Many times sand is actually a very cheap and excellent choice.
Tip #5 - Choose Appropriate Plants - Plants are a great idea for your fish tank since they can help keep the water cleaner and also provide the tank with more oxygen, but it is important that you choose the right plants for your betta. One of the best plants to use in a betta tank is the Amazon Sword plant; however, you may need to keep this plant trimmed if it starts to take over the tank.
Tip #6 - Tank Temperature - Having your tank at the right temperature is very important for your betta fish as well. Usually the best temperature for your betta fish tank is about 80 F. Any colder than this can be hard on your fish, and too warm can be a problem as well.
Tip #7 - Food for Your Betta - It is important that you also have the right food available for your betta as well. Now it is possible to get betta fish food tablets to feed your fish, but you may want to have some live food to give them as well. It is very important that you do not overfeed your betta fish or it can cause problems in the water or result in your betta overeating, which is not healthy. Try to make sure that your betta gets a well rounded diet to keep him healthy.
Tip #8 - Provide Light - It is also important that you can provide your betta fish with enough light. Both your betta fish and the healthy bacteria will need plenty of light, so you may want to install a light in the tank if you feel they may need more light. Make sure that they get at least eight hours of good light each day. It is also important that you turn out the light at night so your fish can get some sleep as well.
Tip #9 - Tank Placement - If you do not have a light for your aquarium, make sure you place the tank where it will get plenty of light. You also need to make sure that you have an aquarium stand that will take the weight of a full tank as well.
Tip #10 - Avoid Metal Decorations - One important thing to remember when you are setting up a tank for your fish is to avoid metal decorations. Metal can cause serious problems for your betta, so you need to avoid it in your tank. Those metal tank decorations may look great, but they can actually kill your betta, so forget about using them in your tank.
Labels: beta fish, betta fish, betta splendens, bettas, japanese fighting fish, siamese fighting fish
Danios fish are an excellent choice for most aquariums due to their high energy level and mild temperament and are particularly recommended for first-time aquarium owners. These hardy fish will offer hours of enjoyment and are easy to care for as well.
There are several varieties of the Danios fish, one of the most commonly known being the Zebra Danio which is easily recognized by its distinct horizontal stripes. This particular Danio will grow to be about 1.5 inches in length and is also suitable for community tanks because of its peaceful nature. The Gold, Pearl and Leopard types of Danios will also grow to a maximum size of 1.5 inches, but Giant Danios however, can grow to about five inches or so in length.
Danios will be most comfortable with at least a school of four to six of their own species. These fish have a variety of suitable tank mates to choose from such as Rainbows, Barbs and most types of Gouramis, provided they are smaller than the Danios are. Danios will also do well with a school of Clown or Yoyo Loaches and some varieties of Catfish such as the Corydoras or the Plecostomus Catfish.
Even-tempered Danios are often used in aquariums to distract other, more aggressive fish from fighting with one another. Betta fish, for example, are notorious fighters, flaring their gills and charging at each other aggressively. Until a busy school of Danios swims by and distracts the Betta, ultimately keeping the peace in the tank.
Danios fish have a lifespan of about five years under proper conditions and are quite simple to care for, making them ideal for beginners and children. Technically considered cold-water fish, Danios will adapt to most water conditions but they do prefer cooler temperatures usually between 64 to 74 degrees Fahrenheit or so.
Danios should also be provided with plenty of light and lots of room to swim about freely. These active fish should do well in a ten-gallon aquarium that is kept at a PH level between 6.5 and 7.0, about a ¼ inch of gravel and with an exterior power filter. Of course, if you have several other types of fish in your aquarium you'll want to choose a larger size and also a more powerful filter.
Floating flake-food and freeze-dried blood worms, or mosquito larvae, are the preferred diet of choice for Danios. Both of these can be found in fish or pet stores as well as live black worms and live or frozen brine shrimp, which are two of their other favorite treats.
As with any type of fish or aquarium life, you should be aware of the signs of stress or disease and know how to treat the illnesses as well. Fish should never be overfed and their tank water should be changed as needed, also making sure the filter system is working properly at all times. With just a little regular care, you'll be able to enjoy watching your Danios swim and interact with each other for years to come.
Labels: aquarium, danios, fish, fish tank, tropical fish
Everyone was a beginning golfer at some time in their life. It is just that some folks hold on to that name a little longer than others. Beginning golf for ladies is not to be taken lightly. It is a difficult game to really understand, but at the same time, if you can't slow down and enjoy the ride then it is absolutely not worth taking that very first golf lesson.
I am just getting started in the world of golf. My husband, an avid golfer, who has been shooting the links for years now, had begged me for a long time to take up this age old wicked game of gentlemen, but I simply could not find it in my heart to be interested. But then a funny thing happened. I got sick and tired of being a "golf widow" and longed to spend more time with my sweetheart and so I decided to throw in the towel and ask my partner, who has taught many others to play golf over the years, to teach me how to play the game. He has even worked with several beginning golfers over the years, but I was convinced after a few trips to the golf course that I was going to be his first unsuccessful attempt! But thankfully, I was wrong.
This game of the wealthy can be quite an impending pastime and it can be a bit cash-draining to get started, but I was not going to be deterred. I was near frantic to do something that would let me have more time with my husband and who really cared what we were doing I simply wanted to at least be good enough swinging the clubs that I didn't embarrass either myself or my partner. So my husband got me started with a set of his old golf clubs that we took to a shop and had cut down to fit my height. That wasn't an expensive proposition so I was relieved! I absolutely had no desire to spend a small pile of cash particularly since I was a beginning golfer and then decide that I absolutely could not stand the game or worse yet be a total crash-and-burn expirment trying to learn the game of golf.
, which I didn't spend a lot of money on, which is really a good idea, ladies! No laying out hundreds of dollars on impressive clubs and other golf doo-dads when you haven't even completed your first round of golf yet! So then it was off to to the course for my first hour of instruction and then off to the practice range for some quiet time to review what I had just learned. There is just not substitute for practicing what you have learned and it is not just practice as in doing the same thing over and over, it is precise and solid practice that makes perfect.
Check out the cut rate stores, second-hand sports stores, or even garage sales and purchase a set of clubs that you can use, even if you need to have them cut down. Many have sets that even include a golf bag so you can hit the golf course in style. Figure out what works best for you and schedule a few lessons. You can do this through the local community college, most community golf courses offer golf lessons through their club pro, or even look into local golf academies, where their mission is to teach beginners and experienced golfers alike the game of golf. All of these alternatives should be quite well-known with teaching golf for beginners. And so, practice what you learn. Schedule an afternoon at the driving range and practice greens, where everyone else is practicing too. It took a ton of convincing for me to have the nerve to stand on the practice greens with all the other golfers, but it without a doubt is the successful time at the practice green and driving range that makes the difference in your golf game.
Ladies' Beginning Golf can be intimidating, there is no doubt, but don't throw in the towel!
Stick with it, you will be glad that you put forth and effort to learn to play a round of golf. A beginning golfer, no denying that, just look at my swing, but every outing gets better and I am not only enjoying my husband's company but finding myself as well while out on the golf course!
Labels: golf apparel, golf balls, golf clubs, golf tips, junior golf, womens golf
If you have ever hit the perfect shot, you know that it is a thing of beauty. It's the one thing that keeps people playing this game. There are others, but the quest for the perfect shot is right up there with the best of them.
Let's say you have hit the perfect ball. Watched it sail away toward your target as if you had complete and total control of it's final destination. A wonder to be seen by your golfing partners, to be marveled at and remembered. A topic of discussion for months later at the bar and at work.
What a shot, they would remark. And you will remember it for the rest of your life.
Why? Because it is so rare that this actually happens, it's like finding a pot of gold. A never ending voyage in search of that one shot, finally achieved. Once in a lifetime.
The Perfect Shot ! Was it a complete and total accident. Come on! Was it?
I'll answer that for you. That shot was not an accident. No way.
It was an accumulation of all the right parts and pieces moving at exactly the right speed , on the correct plane in the perfect path to an excellent impact position. A beautiful combination of power and grace all joining together to create results that we can only hope to achieve once in a blue moon.
" The Perfect Shot"
Man .. .How I love watching the ball rise to it's height, then flatten out it's trajectory with tons of spin and superior direction. Then as if tuned to perfection, begins it's descent to the target. And finally settling into a spot that was in your mind but beyond your abilities. Achieved! Wow!
Do you remember a few years ago, when Greg Norman endorsed a product for learning the proper position of the right hand. It was a gadget that you strapped onto your wrist.
It had a thingy that pulled your index finger back a bit, and forced your right wrist to bend back in a
" cocked position"
Try this.. Just hold your right hand in front of you with your palm pointing to the left and then bend your wrist straight back toward your forearm.
You see that angle between the back of your hand and your forearm? That is what this device of Greg Normans did.
Believe it or not.. this is the perfect position for your hand to be an impact.
That was the whole idea behind the gadget. To teach people how the right wrist was supposed to act in the Golf Swing. ( I know there are lefty's out there, sorry, your on your own to reverse things)
Trouble was that it was really not at all comfortable. You could use it chipping. And it was a very useful gadget for that. But it was hard to use in a full swing.
But it sure did show how the wrist should work.
And that is one of the major missing ingredients between a hackers swing and a good players swing.
Good players have this angle, poorer player never do.
It is the way a good player achieves that rising trajectory. And the sound you hear on the range when a better player is hitting balls. It is the sound of pinching the ball. Can you hear it?
It is truly one of the secrets of great impact position.
Here is a quick way to experience this position... now remember these positions are very hard to describe without a picture so bare with me here. If you don't understand it ..blame someone else. I'm just trying to help.
But if you can do this.. you will hit the ball as if by magic. And you will think that I actually know what I'm talking about.
Here we go: As with all of these positions, take a good grip............please do this.
Now at your very best address position, and remembering the position of the right wrist, I want you to PUSH the right wrist bent. If you do this correct your wrist will be bent back toward your forearm like we did a few minutes ago without the club.
Your hands at this point will be slightly ahead of the ball, slightly. not leaning way over just a slight bit and the right wrist is bent back or "cocked"
One way to think about this is to push the pad of your right thumb down onto the knuckle of your left thumb. This will bend the right wrist. Or push the wrist bent.
After you do this you will notice that there is now an angle between the clubs shaft and your right arm. This is very very important. Caution: don't over do this, these are slight angles not big noticeable pretzel positions.
You can now take this angle and move the whole affair back and forth as in a mini swing using just your shoulders. No arms, wrists or hand movement at all, just move the shoulders and let the angle go with this movement. Just the shoulders.
Pay close attention to the angles. Keep them in tact. Turn the shoulders, and maintain the angles.
You can now hit mini chip shots. These angles must be maintained through impact. You will hit down on the ball and the ball will go up and you will notice a crisp hit.
I cannot express how important it is to turn the shoulders and just allow the arms and club to move with the shoulders and not do anything on their own. Maintain the angles.
Once again. As you push the right wrist bent, you will create an angle between the clubs shaft and your forearm. You now have two noticeable angles. The shaft to forearm and wrist to forearm. They are almost the same angle and you really cannot have one without the other.
Keeping a close watch on the shaft to forearm angle, move your shoulders to the right as if in a back swing, allow the arms to go with the shoulders and make sure the angle stays in tact.
You do this by pushing right wrist bent.
The down swing is the exact opposite. Turn the shoulders back and maintain these angles as long as you possible can. This, you will do with considerable speed. Turning the shoulders I mean.
If you set up with the clubface square and used a "good grip" and kept the angles, if you did that. You have just managed to keep the clubface square through out the entire swing and there is no way you could hit anything but a straight or slightly right to left ball.
I said earlier that this is an easy lesson. It's not! This is hard to do. But, that said, if you practice this using a mini swing and chip with it, it won't be long and you will find a way to incorporate it into your full swing.
It is at that point that you will see the magic in this move. It's all about leverage and angles. No leverage no power, no angles no leverage. That's just the way it is.
I will tell you that this one move, this one thought is what I use to play with. I hit it good when I use this thought and execute and I hit it poor when I don't. It's that simple. I play to a 1 handicap with enough rounds below par to keep me very happy, most of the time.
One last thing, (man I'm long winded), this weekend, watch the pros.. when you get a chance to see the swing slowed down, pay very close attention to the angles we have discussed here. Often you will be able to see exactly what you learned here.
There is no better Golf lesson than watching these guys and gals, but you have to know what to look for. So look for the angles there are only two.
This is an advanced golf lesson, but there is no need of for poorer players to be kept in the dark about what works in a golf swing. Just because you may not be able to do it right now does not mean you should not be aware of it and work it into your swing later.
So give it a whirl next time you have a minute on the range. Chip some balls using this technique.
Should be easy ... right?
Labels: Golf instruction, Golf swing, golf swing lessons, Golf swing move, learn golf
There are many anglers out there that fish with live bait, including myself. There are some tips and techniques that can help the average angler use live bait more effectively. I'm going to discuss those tips and techniques which will help you become a much more successful live bait angler. Live bait obviously includes bait that is living. The category of live bait includes, but is not limited to, minnows, crickets, grasshoppers, leeches, hellgrammites, maggots, grubs, and of course worms. Let's discuss some of the tips and techniques for fishing with live bait:
-Fishes Sense of Smell - Many people don't realize how sensitive a fishes sense of smell is. If you have engaged in an activity (such as smoking) that makes your hands smell, it will affect your catch. Use a hand sanitizer or at least grab a handful of grass and rubs it in your hands to remove any unnatural smells. This may sound strange, but it's true. I always grab handfuls of grass or dirt periodically during my fishing trips and rub my hands. This helps remove all of those unnatural smells.
-Natural Presentation - When fishing with live bait, natural presentation is a key. You want your bait to look as natural as possible in the water. A set of gang hooks is perfect for helping to present bait as naturally as possible. The bottom line is that if the live bait doesn't look like what the fish is used to eating, it will affect your catch; it's as simple as that.
-Carrying Live Bait - There are many ways to carry live bait and with baits such as minnows, leeches, and other water dwelling live bait a minnow bucket is your best bet. If you're out fishing for a long period of time you're going to need an aerator or you're going to have to change the water frequently. Remember the "live" part of the bait is the most important part. Dead bait usually isn't nearly as effective. For worms, maggots, and grubs I would suggest a bait bag for carrying your live bait. A bait Bag is much more effective than carrying those bulky Styrofoam containers around.
- Hook Size - While fishing with live bait, you want your hooks to be as small as possible. Remember, we want our bait to look natural. A great way to employ small hooks and still get effective hook sets is again a set of gang hooks. I personally use gang hooks tied with size 10 hooks. For those of you who don't know, size 10 hooks are quite small. The bottom line is that when fishing with live bait you want your hook or hooks to be as small as possible so they are less visible.
Start employing one or all of these tips and you will become a more effective live bait angler. Fishing with live bait is a fun and effective way to fish, and can be taken more seriously than a twelve year old at the Bluegill pond. Just threading a worm onto a hook isn't good enough if you really want to start catching fish.
If you're like most golfers, you want to improve, not just hack around the golf course. Golf is a difficult game to master and most golfers don't have the time it takes to practice, practice, and practice to significantly improve. You may receive all the greatest golf tips in the world, take countless lessons and get superior instruction and still may not be able to gain consistency.
If you've hit with your golf driver perfectly once, you can do it every time; the subconscious mind knows the correct number and sequence of muscle contractions and nerve impulses needed, called muscle memory. Approach the game with a positive attitude and repeat affirmations if you can, such as "I play great golf all the time." Concentrate totally on your game and you'll get the best score.
When you swing if you have problems with your left knee buckling, imagine you're holding a soccer ball between your knees. At the end of a backswing the hands are above the right shoulder, with the golf club pointing more or less in the intended direction of ball flight. Standing over the ball for too long a time and wondering whether you're going to swing the club correctly can easily result in a skewed shot, or completely missing the ball.
Before you swing, make sure you're relaxed; contract all your muscles tightly for a moment and then relax them. Use the muscles in your legs and trunk when you swing. Accomplished golfers purposely use sidespin to steer their ball around obstacles or towards the safe side of fairways and greens.
The backswing is a rotation to the right, consisting of a shifting of the player's body weight to the right side, a turning of the pelvis and shoulders, lifting of the arms and flexing of the elbows and wrists. Sidespin occurs when the clubface is not aligned perpendicularly to the plane of swing. Many golfers who are strongly left-handed in their daily life prefer the right-handed golf swing.
One of the problems that most inexperienced golfers share is they think too much about their swing. The most important thing about the golf swing is the angle and not the strength that's applied to it.
Hold a medicine ball and turn back and forth; it must be rotational to improve your driving distance. Once you understand that you can change your swing by using a simple technique, you'll never underestimate golf fitness again. You can get rid of shoulder problems with some simple techniques.
Most of all don't waste your money on a golf swing aid you don't need or will never use. Before buying any golf swing aid, check with an expert to get an idea of what problem you need to work on first; backlift of golf swing, momentum of downward thrust or stance for example. Golf swing aids can be found online and are often cheaper.
If you're looking for an aid to improve your stance they're not hard to find. There are golf swing aids that will help you with swing alignment. Ask an expert, who is not associated with the shop you would buy your golf swing aid from, for advice on the right aid for you.
Whether you're a seasoned golfer or just starting out, pick just one golf swing aid and go to work on your swing. Be careful about the claims on TV commercials and magazine ads; seek expert advice before you buy because they may not live up to their claims. You can find golf swing aids that will help you with your wrist and arm position.
Overall, investing in golf swing aids will greatly improve your golf swing and your golf game. Sporting goods stores have golf aids to improve your game.
If you can, sit in on a friend's golf lesson to see if you connect with the pro. Invest in a few of the newest golf books and golf ebooks; older golf books may be outdated. Try to concentrate on one golf swing weakness at a time.
Labels: golf, golf fitness, golf game, Golf swing, golf swing aids, golf swing improvement, golf swing tips, help
p>In my estimation, many anglers overlook some very simple things that effect their fish catching ability. Like many things in life, it's often the most obvious things that get overlooked, and in most cases these obvious things have a very big impact on our lives, and for the purposes of this article, our fishing. These 5 techniques are going to be focused on the river or stream angler who spends much oh their time wading in the water, trying to catch fish. So if you're a Largemouth Bass angler who fishes from a $20,000 bass boat, these tips probably won't mean much to you. In any case, here are the tips and you can do with them what you will:
1) Size Matters - The size of your line matters. In river and stream situations fish are usually much more wary than in a muddy lake with a lot of boat traffic. In most cases the water is very clear as well. This means that the fish are much more likely to see your line. I personally use four pound test, which is all but invisible to the fish. I've had the direct experience of using six pound test and getting no bites. Then switching to four pound test and catching fish one after another.
2) Your Clothes Matter - The color of your clothing matters. You wan t to avoid wearing loud colors that will make it easier for the fish to see you. Remember, if the fish can see you, they normally won't bite (especially in clear water mountain rivers). Wear darker more drab colors if at all possible.
3) Avoid Loud Noises - I know, as anglers we are all aware of the "be quiet" rule while fishing, but it's even more pronounced on river and stream situations. Especially on rivers and streams that don't receive much fishing pressure. The biggest thing to avoid as far as noise goes on rivers and streams are rocks banging together underwater. Remember this while wading from here to there.
4) Present Bait Naturally - You want to present your bait as naturally as possible. You want your bait to look like it would without hooks in it. The best way I know to accomplish this is by using gang hooks. The bottom line is for your bait to look as natural as possible.
5) Clean Your Hands - Fish have a very sensitive sense of smell and can smell your scent on your bait. This is a big reason people use "attractors" on their baits. I don't think these things attract fish as much as they cover the scent of humans! Using a hand sanitizer is a good idea or just grabbing a handful of grass and rubbing it in your hands has always worked well for me.
Start employing any or all of these five techniques and you will start catching more fish; it's as simple as that. Catching fish doesn't have to be difficult, especially if we're reminded of the basics from time to time. Remember what Steven Wright said, "There's a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot."
When you decide to breed your Betta Fish, the first step is to make sure you are ready. It will take time, money, space for around fifty jars to separate males, a secure pond with no other fish and a good level of experience caring for Bettas already.
Presuming the answer is yes; the next step is to obtain a female. This can be difficult, as few stores sell them. Once you have both, don't leave them in the same tank. Start with cheap Bettas, to avoid wasting lots of money. Later on, after you become an expert, you can try to breed your own masterpieces. Look for fish with some energy to increase the chances of spawning. The chosen fish should be between seven and eighteen months old, and a spare pair just in case is also a wise precaution.
Prepare the mating tank, ten gallons is about right. Don't add much decorations or gravel, but some large leafed plants will help the female hide from the male. The temperature should be around eighty degrees and the depth about six inches until the fry, or baby fish, begin swimming. Normally, you wouldn't worry about air filtration with Bettas, but the fry will require it. However, they cannot handle a powerful filter. The old-fashioned box type, powered by an air pump is best, and the carbon filter that came with the pump is not acceptable. Instead, use floss or sponges. This is to avoid bad reactions between the carbon and an anti-fungal treatment. It is wise to let the pump operate through a complete cycle before fish are exposed to it to allow bacteria to grow.
Begin feeding the fish high quality food. One breeder recommends the following sequence: BettaMin, Freeze Dried Blood Worms, some live or frozen brine shrimp, then a few live Black Worms. Others swear by tubifex worms and other combinations. Do not overfeed, as this will still force you to clean the tank and replace the water more often. Change twenty percent of the water in each tank each day to help prevent this and encourage the fish to get ready to breed. The male should be in the breeding tank, and should be able to see the female in her tank. He should begin to build a bubble nest.
With the high quality food, the female should begin to plump up as eggs are produced. With lighter colored breeds you can sometimes see the eggs, and the fish should produce horizontal stripes when ready. If that isn't showing, look near the anal fin for a white gravid tube. If this is showing, she is ready.
Now comes the key moment. Plan for at least an hour when you can be present to supervise. Put the female in the water with the male. There can be some rough treatment, including some mutual fin nipping or even worse behavior. If it gets too rough, remove the female and plan to wait a few days to let her recover, but if you don't give them a chance, there won't ever be any fry. If all goes well, they will conduct what is called an embrace, and she will produce eggs under the bubble nest. He will fertilize them and begin to care for the eggs. The female should be removed now, lest she become fish food.
For the next two days, the male will keep the eggs cleaned and in the bubble nest, recovering any that fall. Then come the fry. For about thirty-six hours, they'll be unable to move out of the tank. Around two days after hatching, the first fry will begin to swim without help. At this point, remove the male fish lest the fry become fish food. A day after the fry hatch, they need their first feeding, and baby brine shrimp, daphnia, microworms, or liquid fry food for egg layers are good choices. They'll need feeding up to five times a day.
Now comes the hard part. Many experienced breeders say this can only be done in a suitable pond. The temperature must be above at least 68 and preferably 70 degrees. There must be no fish to eat the fry, and a variety of tiny aquatic creatures to eat.
After about ten days, they can take a little powdered food. This is a small amount of very finely crushed flake food. They should be about a quarter of an inch long. At about four weeks, they should be around a half inch long, and should begin to show sexual dimorphism, so you can tell the males from the females. Separate the males from each other before fighting begins.
Labels: beta fish, betta fish, betta fish care, breeding betta fish, siamese fighting fish
In this article you will discover:
Fish whose flesh is oily such as:
Omega-3 fish oil contains high amount of essential fatty acids (EFAs) which contain many beneficial health properties which can help with the symptoms of the following health conditions:
It has been proven that omega-3 fish oils have a blood thinning action which reduces blood stickiness and prevent furring up and hardening of the arteries.
This make omega-3 fish oil great at reducing hypertension and other heart and circulation conditions such as:
In the ideal world we should all be consuming at least 100g of oily fish a couple of times per week.
Unfortunately some people do not like fish. The good news for those people is that you can buy omega-3 fish oil in supplement form from your local health store.
The fish oil within these supplements is typically obtained from:
So, to sum up…
Omega-3 fish oil has many health benefits but is extremely good at protecting your heart and circulation.
Omega-3 fish oil also has anti-inflammatory properties which makes it ideal for health condition associated with inflammation.
It has been proven that omega-3 fish oil can reduce high blood pressure.
If you are suffering from hypertension, it would be a good idea to include oily fish in your diet and take omega-3 fish oil supplements.
Labels: Hypertension, Omega 3 Fish Oil
Impact !! The moment of truth. The defining position. The one and only position that actually matters throughout the entire nano second it takes to complete the Golf Swing.
Golf Swing Instruction hardly ever shows you this position. Golf Swing lessons never allow the time to give you a visual of this all important position.
Impact!! Absolutely the only position in the Golf Swing that makes a difference.
Impact!! The Moment of WOW! It is the second in time that proceeds one of your biggest disappointments or one of your most cherished memories.
It is the one point in time that you have counted one to accomplish a practiced result.
Your last golf swing instruction gave you little to no idea what this vital moment was supposed to look like. Golf Lessons are supposed to give you a degree of consistent performance. It is why you pay $60.00- $ 100.00 bucks an hour.
But yet, no golf lesson, golf instruction, golf tip or any golf swing instruction ever stops you in this key position and says " there, this is what it is supposed to look and feel like"... do they?
Come on ! This is the only place anywhere in the golf swing that all good players do that is nearly exactly the same. Jim Furyk and Miller Barber swing the club way different than Tiger Woods or Ernie Els.
But if you look at them at Impact.. man, they are almost exactly the same.
You would have to deduct from this that the impact position must be pretty darn important if the best players in the world are all doing it the same way. No matter what the rest of the swing looks like.
Ok .. so what does it feel like? And better yet does it feel like it looks?
When you do it right at full speed, I can tell you that it feels GREAT! And the results are nothing short of awesome.
So ..let's see if I can get you into the impact position. Just so you know what it feels like and so you can have a look at it in a mirror and know what the feeling looks like too!
You do not have to be anywhere near the course or the driving range. Just at home, anywhere your home. You will not be needing to swing the club.
Go Grab a club. I'll wait.......................
Get into your very best setup position. Good grip, good posture and good athletic position.
Now here we go.. move just your hands and the grip end of the club ever so slightly ahead of the ball position toward the target. The head of the club should remain in it's set up position.
Ok now turn your left hip to it's left just a little, this would put you in what you may know as the "open" position, this should also have moved your right knee so that it is tuning inward a bit and pointing more or less at the ball.
While you are doing this make very very sure that your shoulders have remained square to the target line. I will repeat this for those speed readers. Make sure your shoulder remain square to the target line.
The slight movement of your hands toward the target will have moved your right shoulder a bit down and around. This is fine. If you shoulders end up a little open, very little, this is also ok.
So it will look like this: hands are ahead of the clubhead and hence the ball, this is an indicator that you lead the down swing with your hands in a downward motion and have maintained the right wrist angle at least at impact. Very Good.
Your left hip has turned out, indicating an excellent clearing of the hips making room for your arms to drop down into the slot created by this clearing.
Your shoulders are square or very near square to the target line, indicating that you have stayed behind the ball and have not spun out of the swing or hit from the top. This is a power position as it allows for you to hit from the inside and against the body.
Spinning the shoulders or hitting from the top is a very serious power drain.
There.. now you know!
Labels: golf lessons on line, Golf swing, golf swing instruction, golf swing lesson, simple golf swing
Sometimes we all have a sort of aversion for the golf hole.
We see it, but somehow it seems impossible to get the ball to fall.
It is not a matter of hitting the ball too hard, or off line.
It is one of those times when the ball just will not fall into the hole.
Has this ever happened to you?
Of course it has. It happens to us all.
I guess a simple example is when a professional golfer misses put after put.
His ball does U-turns round the rim of the hole or hits a part of the hole and
keeps going with a bit of a swerve.
If this ever happens to you, here is a drill to get you back on
Put a tee into the ground on the practice green and try to
hit this with your ball.
Don't put from more than 12 feet away, and
put a deal closer than this.
Vary the distance.
You will no longer be thinking of "golf hole" but will find that
your stroke improves and your mind goes back to the right attitude
for putting.
When you go back to putting into the golf hole, the hole will look
I mentioned not to put from further than 12 feet.
This is because it is imperative for you to practice putting
from the distance you expect to hole.
Start at three feet and after you have sunk a few
from here, go to four feet.
Gradually move further back until you
get to about ten or twelve feet, depending on your skill level.
These are the puts you need to be able to hole during a game.
Practise a great deal on the putting green.
It is a good half or three quarters of your score.
It is here that you can reduce your
score more than any other part of the golf course.
So many players, and I am guilty too, go to the practice range
and spend a couple of hours there.
Then they make a short trip to the putting green and
after about 30 minutes, pack it in.
It is a good idea to have a piece of putting carpet at home and
every time you pass it, have a couple of puts. You will be pleased
by the result.
If you start to miss a number of short puts, have a look at your
back swing.
It is probably too long.
If you hit the ball from an exaggerated back swing,
with the normal putter head speed you use
for all puts, you will be away past the hole.
So, when you take your putter head back, you are aware of this.
What do you do?
You allow for the longer back swing by slowing your putter head as you
get to the ball.
Instead of accelerating through it, you are doing
just the opposite. I know you don't mean to but it happens just the
If you have a tendency to do this, work out how far back you should
go and then put something there to stop your club at the right
Then, if you finish with a long follow through, you will
accelerate through your ball and you will be on line too.
Start placing the object say four inches behind your putter head
and see what happens.
Don't forget the big follow through.
By starting here, you will be able to feel the speed of the putter
head as you hit those puts.
Move your stop a little further back and hit some puts.
Then, using this method, hit some slightly
longer puts until you move up to twelve feet.
Then you can get the feel for longer puts (more than twelve feet) to get the ball next
to the hole.
I have always said in my articles that the length of
the back swing dictates the length of the put.
Performing this drill is a great way to get into your mind the speed of the putter
head for all puts.
It should be constant and the force with which
it hits the ball is determined by the length of the back swing.
The longer the back swing, the greater will be the momentum developed
by the putter head.
Then, you will become a master two putter.
You will probably find that shortening your back swing a great deal will allow you to hit
your putt with authority and with a huge improvement in accuracy.
Labels: Golf Hole, Golfers Grip, Gorrved Golf Swing, Grooved Swing.Golf Tip, Put, Putter Head, Taylored Golf Club
It's important to remember, your golf swing is what drives your score; not your clubs or ball. When you're playing golf badly it isn't a lot of fun. It takes a great deal of skill, mental fortitude and perseverance to excel at golf.
If you've hit with your golf driver perfectly once, you can do it every time; the subconscious mind knows the correct number and sequence of muscle contractions and nerve impulses needed, called muscle memory. Always be aware the mental aspect of the game contributes one way or another to the difficulty of the golf swing. It's been proven that thinking positively about bettering your golf game will benefit you more than playing to compete with your partners and trying to win for winnings sake.
At the end of a swing, the weight has shifted almost entirely to the left foot, the body is fully turned to the left and the hands are above the left shoulder with the club hanging down over the players' back. Putts and short chips are ideally played without much movement of the body, but most other golf shots are played using variants of the full golf swing. Accomplished golfers purposely use sidespin to steer their ball around obstacles or towards the safe side of fairways and greens.
Use the muscles in your legs and trunk when you swing. When you swing if you have problems with your left knee buckling, imagine you're holding a soccer ball between your knees. As the body matures, the ability to rotate the upper torso is affected by age, and the hand action can also slow down requiring a slightly stronger grip.
The most important thing about the golf swing is the angle and not the strength that's applied to it. Swing slowly and steadily using a nice rhythm. Sidespin occurs when the clubface is not aligned perpendicularly to the plane of swing.
The backswing is a rotation to the right, consisting of a shifting of the player's body weight to the right side, a turning of the pelvis and shoulders, lifting of the arms and flexing of the elbows and wrists. After the ball is hit, the follow-through stage consists of a continued rotation to the left.
It's no secret; most of the professional players actively participate in workouts. To prevent injury and improve swing speed and distance requires your body to be both strong and flexible. Hold a medicine ball and turn back and forth; it must be rotational to improve your driving distance.
Sporting goods stores have golf aids to improve your game. Ask an expert, who is not associated with the shop you would buy your golf swing aid from, for advice on the right aid for you. There are a number of good golf swing aids on the market today.
You can find golf swing aids that will help you with your wrist and arm position. Before buying any golf swing aid, check with an expert to get an idea of what problem you need to work on first; backlift of golf swing, momentum of downward thrust or stance for example. Overall, investing in golf swing aids will greatly improve your golf swing and your golf game.
Whether you're a seasoned golfer or just starting out, pick just one golf swing aid and go to work on your swing. If you're looking for an aid to improve your stance they're not hard to find. Keep in mind that with some golf swing aids, you may still need advice or help from an expert.
Most of all don't waste your money on a golf swing aid you don't need or will never use. Be careful about the claims on TV commercials and magazine ads; seek expert advice before you buy because they may not live up to their claims.
Get some golf DVDs and commit yourself to a time to practice what you learn. Try to concentrate on one golf swing weakness at time. If you apply both physical and mental workouts, golf swing improvement will be your reward.
Labels: golf, golf fitness, golf game, Golf swing, golf swing aids, golf swing improvement, golf swing tips, help
Golf swing basics comes down to a few simple techniques taught since the game was first played yet many golfers seem to want to complicate matters.
The most important element of golf swing basics is the swing itself. Not just standing over a ball and clubbing it a couple of hundred yards down the fairway but actually understanding, implementing and practicing the elements which make a swing successful. I used to marvel at how effortlessly the professionals apeared to hit their golf swings. Truth is, slowed down, one appreciates just how much violence goes into the full swing.
Try These Golf Swing Basics
Let's examine the golf swing in simple terms and see whether you can pick up any mistakes you are making.
1. Teeing off is where it all starts. What are you thinking? It's amazing how many players will "think" themselves into a bad shot: Tip... Don't think about how embarrassed you'll feel when you slice the ball over the trees to the right. Think of the target you are going to hit the ball to down the fairway!
2. Be careful how tight you grip the club handle. Too tight and you're likely to hook the shot. Too light and you'll probably slice the ball.
3. Understanding the backswing and downswing confuses a lot of players. Essentially, it's in the downswing where you want to creat club momentum towards the ball. If you are too light on the downswing then you won't hit the ball very far: Tip... On the backswing, remember to swing back in one motion using your arms and not your wrists and hands!
4. The backswing is slower than the downswing but many players make the mistake of going too light with the backswing thus not being able to create enough momentum in the downswing: Tip... A good rule of thumb to use is if your backswing is say 30mph, then the downswing should come down at least 20-30% faster. Just be careful not to swing back too slowly.
5. During the motion of the backswing, remember to get your left shoulder(opposite for lefties) and hips in proper alignment as you transfer your weight slightly to your right. This should be a natural movement and not exaggerated. The hands should be about waist high or a fraction higher.
Golf swing basics is where it all starts. Golf doesn't mean spending hours on end with a coach but it is all about learning the proper techniques from the "get go" and then practicing. The more you practice the correct swing basics, the more it gets committed to memory.
When you're playing golf badly it isn't a lot of fun. You need great hand-eye coordination, balance, athletic ability and creativity to play golf. You may receive all the greatest golf tips in the world, take countless lessons and get superior instruction and still may not be able to gain consistency.
If you've hit with your golf driver perfectly once, you can do it every time; the subconscious mind knows the correct number and sequence of muscle contractions and nerve impulses needed, called muscle memory. Concentrate totally on your game and you'll get the best score. Always be aware the mental aspect of the game contributes one way or another to the difficulty of the golf swing.
Swing slowly and steadily using a nice rhythm. At the end of a backswing the hands are above the right shoulder, with the golf club pointing more or less in the intended direction of ball flight. Accomplished golfers purposely use sidespin to steer their ball around obstacles or towards the safe side of fairways and greens.
Sidespin occurs when the clubface is not aligned perpendicularly to the plane of swing. As the body matures, the ability to rotate the upper torso is affected by age, and the hand action can also slow down requiring a slightly stronger grip. Ask your golf pro to evaluate your posture while swinging.
Pick out a spot on the course, preferably the green of the fairway, and concentrate on hitting the ball to that spot. At the end of a swing, the weight has shifted almost entirely to the left foot, the body is fully turned to the left and the hands are above the left shoulder with the club hanging down over the players' back. Use the muscles in your legs and trunk when you swing.
The backswing is a rotation to the right, consisting of a shifting of the player's body weight to the right side, a turning of the pelvis and shoulders, lifting of the arms and flexing of the elbows and wrists. Putting can become a nightmare and a condition called the 'yips' has affected not only amateurs but professionals as well; get expert advice and consider a golf swing aid.
Hold a medicine ball and turn back and forth; it must be rotational to improve your driving distance. The state of the physical condition is very often overlooked as a possible cause of golf swing problems. To prevent injury and improve swing speed and distance requires your body to be both strong and flexible.
Golf swing aids can be found online and are often cheaper. Golf magazines often review the newest golf swing aids and are reviewed by golfers, making it easy to choose the right one for you. Most of all don't waste your money on a golf swing aid you don't need or will never use.
If you're looking for an aid to improve your stance they're not hard to find. Golf swing aids come in all shapes and sizes including apparel type accessories to correct alignment or a golf club add-on accessory to monitor your swing. You can find golf swing aids that will help you with your wrist and arm position.
There are golf swing aids that act as driving range simulators. Before buying any golf swing aid, check with an expert to get an idea of what problem you need to work on first; backlift of golf swing, momentum of downward thrust or stance for example. Sporting goods stores have golf aids to improve your game.
There are golf swing aids that will help you with swing alignment. There are a number of good golf swing aids on the market today.
When you play a round of golf, concentrate on improving your golf swing, putting or something specific that day; have a plan in mind. There are a lot of places to get golf swing tips, golf game tips and golf instruction so when you do have time to hit the course, you'll have a plan in mind. Golfers can never get enough golf tips.
The importance of timing in the sport of golf is often one of the most overlooked essentials to being a success.
If you are a frequent watcher of golf on television or you follow the major players, you may have noticed that timing is important, but it is not thoroughly explained.
Allow me to give my best explanation of how timing works as an art in this sport. This should help you to see how valuable it really is
As you are watching some of the more successful players hit a golf ball or when you hit a good shot, this is what timing means. It is your ability to swing your arms down as your left hip moves out of the way, and allows for a clear shot for you.
As with anything, this is not a foolproof strategy. First of all, some people swing their arms down, and keep the rest of the body still. If you do that, you would be one that would come down with the club face closing quickly at the bottom of the hit.
If your timing is off because you did not move out of the way, your arms will cross over really quickly.
In a nutshell, if your timing is off and your body is moving too quickly, you'll go to the right. If your timing is off and your body is moving a little too slowly, you might hook it.
The goal is to get the right combination of the upper body and the bottom part of the body moving out of the way, as the arms swing down.
It's just the timing of getting the arms, hands, and lower part of the body to match up with the bottom part of the golf swing.
The 2007 golf season is just around the corner for most of us. If you are lucky enough to live in an area where you can play golf all year, these tips will still be useful. Please take a few minutes to check and see if you are prepared for opening day at your golf course.
First and foremost, if you did not get your grips re-gripped last fall, this would be a perfect time. Make sure you ask the club repair person to measure the size of you grips and to replace them with the exact same size. If they replace them with a grip too big or too small, it can throw off your feel. While you are at it, if you have a shaft that is broken, now is the time to have it re-shafted. Most of the repair shops are not to busy this time of the year.
This is the time of the year when all of the new equipment is hitting the stores. If you wait to buy a new club in June, it might take you some time to get use to it. Start looking now if you want to replace a wedge, or a fairway wood. Here are a couple of tips for buying fairway woods- if the shaft is too stiff, the ball flight will be lower and it might go right. If you buy a shaft that is too weak, the ball flight will be too high and the ball will have a tendency to go left. So, it's important to get your swing speed measured, so that you have the correct shaft lex. Many people think they know, but really they end up purchasing a flex that is a bit off.
There is nothing wrong with heading out to an indoor facility and start taking some swings. Before you do that, make sure you have taken some swings for a couple of weeks in the garage or outside. A pulled muscle is a tough way to start the season. As age progresses, muscles get tighter. Make sure to take the time to stretch properly in the beginning of the season, and it will benefit you down the road. Many of your "golf muscles" aren't the muscles that you generally use in everyday life. So make sure to warm them up properly before you start the season.
Take care, and it is a pleasure to write these tips for you. I look forward to helping you play much better and consistent golf in 07.
One of the most popular games in the world is the game of golf. Although the concept of striking a little white ball into a small hole several hundred yards away with metal and graphite sticks may seem trivial to some people, it is one of the most addicting games that people play. Whether you are interested in golf or are just a little bit curious about the game itself, there are a few things you need to know about the game itself before you go out and buy $1000 set of the best clubs that you can find. Here are a few tips that every beginner should know before attempting to play this most wondrous sport.
If you have seen some coverage on television then you probably know a little already, but really not enough to know how to play the game itself. Although watching and playing golf can be helpful in a general kind of way, it will not help you want to set foot on to the grassy drains to hit your first ball down the fairway. Golf may also seem like a complex and highly skilled game played only by those who are rich enough to afford it. Although this is true for some of the most elite golf courses in the world, most people can find an affordable golf course to try the game out. Golf is open to everyone, and with a little bit of money and practice you can become a good amateur golfer yourself with just a few small tips and a little bit of practice.
If you want to know more about this interesting sport, then here is some advice about the things you should know before you get started playing. The first thing that you should know is that you need to keep score. If you are new to the game then working out how the scoring is done can be very tricky. The confusion begins when you see all the plus and minus numbers. You will also see words such as birdies, pars, eagles and so forth. Basically, golf scoring works by comparing your actual score to a pre-arranged score. You are simply trying not to go over this prearranged score.
In regard to the golf course itself, each course has a 'par' score. This word means the amount of shots it should take you to get around the course. You can either hit above this score, which is 'under par' or above the score (over par). Each hole has a specific par score as well, which when combined together add up to the total par score for the course.
Hopefully, this has not confused you too much. The bottom line is that most courses have a par score of around 70 to 72, which most holes being around par 3 to par 5. If you score one shot below par for a hole, this is known as a birdie. If you hit two shots below the par this is known as an eagle. You can also hit, if you are very lucky, an albatross, which is 3 shots below the par. And to make it even more confusing, the lower your overall score at the end, then the better you will have done. How's that for a strange game!
The best tip that could be given to anyone that is trying to keep score for the first time is to bring your best friend with you that knows how to golf so that they will keep score for the first several times that you play so that you can get used to playing the game and not worry about how to score on that little scorecard. Scoring is only half of the equation. You are going to need some golf clubs in order to play the game. Oh yes, and, of course, a few balls.
There are some basic items of equipment that you will need when playing golf. Least necessary is that you will need to be dressed in the correct attire for golf courses. Only at the very elite of clubs is there a dress code that you have to stringently adhere to. The first golf course that you attend will probably allow anyone to come in as long as they are wearing a shirt and pants. Just be sure to check the rules at your local course for details of their dress code.
You will also need clubs and balls, although you don't necessarily need to buy these at first - you can rent them out from most courses. However, if you are serious about playing then buying a good set of clubs, balls and a golf bag is essential. And last but not least, if you are a little out of shape, you will want to rent a golf cart so that you are not completely exhausted by the end of your first golfing experience. Golf carts can be a little bit pricey, but if you are at a lower and the golf course, it will probably not put you in the hole.
Following these simple initial tips, you should be able to start playing your very first game in just a few days after you get a few golf clubs, find a nice golf course for an affordable price, and find a friend that knows how to play golf so that you can not only keep score would get a few free tips from someone that actually knows how to play the game. Good luck and happy golfing.
Did you know the average golfer's gross score is 107 shots? You may receive all the greatest golf tips in the world, take countless lessons and get superior instruction and still may not be able to gain consistency. Even the guys who play golf for a living and get the best golf instruction in the world still struggle to improve their golf; and they practice each and every day!
Visualize where you would like the ball to land, as you swing. Keep the good energy flowing and don't give in to any negative thoughts. A common mental error golfers make when driving the ball is to hit it as hard as possible.
Putting can become a nightmare and a condition called the 'yips' has affected not only amateurs but professionals as well; get expert advice and consider a golf swing aid. Use the basic 'hitchhiker' position when you're working on your backswing. Before you swing, make sure you're relaxed; contract all your muscles tightly for a moment and then relax them.
Swing slowly and steadily using a nice rhythm. After the ball is hit, the follow-through stage consists of a continued rotation to the left. Pick out a spot on the course, preferably the green of the fairway, and concentrate on hitting the ball to that spot.
The backswing is a rotation to the right, consisting of a shifting of the player's body weight to the right side, a turning of the pelvis and shoulders, lifting of the arms and flexing of the elbows and wrists. As the body matures, the ability to rotate the upper torso is affected by age, and the hand action can also slow down requiring a slightly stronger grip.
Ask your golf pro to evaluate your posture while swinging. Try not to grip the club too tightly. Use the muscles in your legs and trunk when you swing.
Conditioning your golf muscles will reward you with straighter swings. Many golfers have improved their golf game by concentrating on golf fitness. Using a weighted club, make rotational golf swings to improve your power.
Whether you're a seasoned golfer or just starting out, pick just one golf swing aid and go to work on your swing. There are golf swing aids that will help you with swing alignment. Keep in mind that with some golf swing aids, you may still need advice or help from an expert.
Golf swing aids come in all shapes and sizes including apparel type accessories to correct alignment or a golf club add-on accessory to monitor your swing. If you're looking for an aid to improve your stance they're not hard to find. Golf magazines often review the newest golf swing aids and are reviewed by golfers, making it easy to choose the right one for you.
You can find golf swing aids that will help you with your wrist and arm position. There are a wide range of golf swing aids on the market today to help the beginning and advanced golfer. If you're a golfing novice just starting out, it's easy to become overwhelmed.
There are a number of good golf swing aids on the market today. Before buying any golf swing aid, check with an expert to get an idea of what problem you need to work on first; backlift of golf swing, momentum of downward thrust, or stance for example.
Golfers can never get enough golf tips. Invest in a few of the newest golf books and golf ebooks; older golf books may be outdated. There are hundreds of useful golf tips to seek out in golf magazines, consumer magazines, sports magazines, in books, ebooks, DVDs, online and offline.
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